È da sempre denominata la perla del Quartier del Piave, grazie alla sua posizione centrale rispetto alla Valle del Soligo, la Vallata e la Valmareno; Il termine plebs porta la sua origine a secoli prima dell’anno Mille indicando una zona rurale e primitiva. La pieve di Soligo è una delle più antiche pievi ecclesiastiche della diocesi di Ceneda e risale al IX – X secolo. Il centro storico è arricchito dalla chiesa di Santa Maria Assunta e chiese minori, nonché ville e palazzi, tra i quali Villa Brandolini e il Centro Balbi Valier.
Pieve di Soligo has always been known as the pearl of the district “Quartier del Piave” thanks to its central position in the land of the river Soligo; the word”Plebs” takes origin centuries before the year 1000 and indicates a primitive rural district. The “pieve” of Soligo is one of the oldest parishes of the episcopate of Ceneda and dates back to IX-X century. The historic center is enriched with the church of “Santa Maria dell’Assunta”and minor churches as well as villas and palaces among which “Villa Brandolini ” and “Centro Balbi Valier”. In the past Pieve was divided in two districts: “Contà” on the left of the river Soligo and “Trevisan” on the right. These 2 districts were dominated by different families: Da Camino and Brandolini in the Contà and the city of Treviso in the Trevisan, and up to now they challenge each other in the tug-of-war during the “Spiedo Gigante”, a traditional gastronomic feast at the beginning of October. Nowadays the town is an important artisan and industrial center as well as a renowned tourist resort. Pieve di Soligo is the birthplace of the famous poet Andrea Zanzotto and of other important people such as Eugenio Bellotto, Marta Sammartini, Giovanni Zanzotto, Toti Dal Monte and Giuseppe Toniolo.
Pieve di Soligo ist, dank seiner Lage die “Perle” des Quartier del Piave genannt. Der Name “plebs” erinnert ländlich und primitiv Gebiet. Die Pfarrei von Pieve di Soligo ist eine der älteste Kirchen der Diözese von Vittorio Veneto und ist IX – X Jahrhundert datiert. Im historischen Zentrum stehen das Dom Hl. Maria und verschiedene kleinen Kirchen, Paläste und Villen wie Villa Brandolini und Centro Balbi Valier.
Luoghi d’interesse:
Frazioni: Barbisano, Solighetto.